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Cookie policy


Inter Cars Albania Sh.A., having its registered seat in Tirane at Business Centre "Pajtoni"5-th floor, Highway Tirana- Durres km 1, 1001 Tirana, AL, e-mail: [email protected], telephone: +355696845985, registered in the National Business Center’s registry, NIPT: M32407010E, hereinafter referred to as the “Controller,” uses cookie files and other, similar technologies on its website. 

  1. Cookie files and similar technologies


Cookie files are small text files saved on your device as you visit websites or use applications. They store, among other things, information about your visit and your settings

  • Cookie files play a variety of functions, but we primarily use them to make our Website available to you and to make using it easy. We also use them for analytical and marketing purposes, but only if you express your consent on the cookie consent banner displayed on the website.  




Session cookies

Some cookies are temporary files stored until you log out, leave the Website or disable your internet browser. This type of cookies help us analyse the internet traffic, enable identification and solving of technical problems as well as facilitate navigating the Website.

Persistent cookie files

Persistent cookie files are stored for a time specified in their parameters or until you remove them. They help us remember your settings and preferences in order to make your next visit more convenient (e.g. to save you the trouble of re-entering your log-in data).




Necessary cookie files

These files are installed to give you access to the Website and its basic functions and, therefore, do not require your consent. Without them, we would be unable to provide our services to you via the Website.

Optional cookie files

We will use these only with your consent. They can be used e.g. for our analytical and advertising purposes.

  • Detailed information regarding the purposes for which these files are used has been described with reference to the Consent Management Platform (CMP), where you will also find information about our trusted partners and about why they process your data.


  • Analytical services suppliers - to better understand how the Website works, we cooperate with analytical services suppliers, such as Google Analytics and Facebook. You will find more information on how they use your data here: Google; Facebook.
  • Advertising partners – our advertising partners may use advertising cookies to display to you advertisements which they believe you will find of most interest to you and to measure their effectiveness on the Website.
  • Social media plugins – using the “Share” buttons you get to share a content on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, provided that you are logged in to these websites. Their owners may be able to link your activity on the Website to your account on their websites. To a certain extent, you data may be co-controlled by us and these entities. You will find detailed information on how it works e.g. for Facebook (Meta) here.

The website may contain links to other websites or applications. Keep in mind that the websites of other entities also use cookies, which is beyond our ability to control. We recommend that you read their cookie file policies.


  • Your internet browser should enable you to change your settings in order to reject, remove or block cookies. These links contain information on the most popular browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari.
  • As some of cookie files are necessary for the functioning of the Website, changing your browser settings may result in some of the services not working properly or in you not being able to the website at all.


  • We use a Consent Management Platform to facilitate your exercise of your rights under GDPR.
  • You can browse the Consent Management Platform and use it to determine your cookie file settings. CMP allows you to:
    • obtain detailed information about the cookie files we use on our Website and about our trusted partners;
    • express and withdraw your consent for us and our trusted partners to use optional cookie files;
    • express your objection to the processing of optional cookie files by our trusted partners based on their legitimate interest.
  • The Consent Management Platform will appear in the form of a cookie banner during your first visit on our Website. During your subsequent visits you will be able to change selected settings by entering the Privacy Policy of a given site and by clicking the “Manage cookies” button.
  • The Consent Management Platform will remember your consents or objections, based on which we will enable you to use the Website. You can check and change your settings any time.
  1. Contact details
    • To obtain additional information or exercise your rights, e-mail us at  [email protected] or send us a letter to Inter Cars Albania Sh.A. "Pajtoni" 5th floor, Tirana- Durres highway km 1, 1001 Tirana, Albania. 
    • You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority at any time. In matters related to data processing on the Service, you may contact the Right to Information and Data Protection Commissioner, Rr. “Abdi Toptani”, Nd. 5, 1001, Tirana, Albania.