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Check out the most common questions and answers on data protection.
Contact Personal data Controller 
Inter Cars Albania Sh.A 
Business Centre "Pajtoni"5-th floor, Highway Tirana- Durres km 1, 1001 Tirana 

Questions about personal data processing  
[email protected] 

Change of personal data  
[email protected] 

On what basis is personal data processed?  
Personal data is processed on the basis of:  
- the need to fulfil an order;  
- legitimate interests, e.g. responding to a complaint, marketing purposes;  
- in connection with the need to comply with a legal obligation, e.g.: issuing and storing invoices, accounting documents (tax and fiscal obligations);  
- voluntarily given by your consent.  
information on the processing of personal data on the websites is available in the privacy policy published on each website. 

On what occasions do we collect your data?  
We may collect data from you e.g. on the following occasions: through entering into contracts, entering into cooperation, setting up access accounts to systems, purchasing processes, responding to complaints, participating in training courses or expressing a wish to receive newsletters, signing up for trade fairs and rallies. Information on the processing of personal data on the websites is available in the privacy policy published on each website. 

How long is data stored?  
Personal data is stored for the time required to complete an order or provide a service, as required by legal regulations e.g. tax, criminal and fiscal law, or until you withdraw your consent in the case of consent to receive marketing information. 

What are your rights in relation to the processing of personal data?  
Data subjects have rights:  
- The right to object to the processing of your data  
You can raise an objection if we process your data on the grounds of our legitimate interest with which you disagree. If the objection proves to be legitimate, the data will be deleted.  
- Right to rectification (correction) of data  
This right can be exercised when the data processed is incorrect or incomplete.  
- right to erasure (to be forgotten)  
You can request the erasure of your personal data in situations:  
- when the consent on the basis of which the personal data was processed has been withdrawn;  
- when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected;  
- when you object to the processing of your data  
- when personal data is processed unlawfully.  
- right to restrict processing  
You can request that we do not process certain personal data (other than storing it), but without completely erasing it.  
- right of access  
The right allows you to find out whether the Controller is processing personal data, what data is being processed, for what purpose and at what time, and to obtain a copy of your personal data. 
- right to data portability  
You can request the preparation of the data held by the Controller in a structured form, in a commonly machine-readable format, and/or request its transfer to another Data Controller. 
- the right to withdraw consent 
You have a right to withdraw a consent where data are processed pursuant to consent. 

How do we use cookies?  
Details of how we use cookies are available independently on the websites of Inter Cars and the subsidiaries and brands we look after in the cookie policies.